Saturday, September 25, 2010

Seedling Jungle

It's starting to look like a jungle in here. The seedlings are finally really starting to take off. I thought the leader of the pack would be the tomatoes because they grow so easily. But, upon taking a closer look, it's the bell peppers that are winning. I'm excited about that. ;0)

And leading in the front is the Gold Bell Peppers.

Aren't they cute.

It's just a matter of time before they permenantly move outside into their own containers. Or, into the empty garden space under the patio. ;0)

Jungle Wishes,
Monica ;0)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I've read that you can plant turnips directly into the ground and I've read you can start them in pods and transplant them. Reading all of these different gardening books has confused me a bit more in some areas. Regardless, I finally transplanted the turnips. They were toppling over. I'm afraid I waited too long and that I'm going to lose them. I even accidentally killed a broccoli plant today. I'm not sure how I did it but I basically snapped it's neck. lol, poor thing.

I took some photos of my progress. My only dissapointment is that I didn't transplant them sooner. However, I'm not entirely sure that would of been the best thing to do either. I'm just going to have to see what happens from this point on.

Transplanted turnips.

Next to be transplanted are the brocolli sprouts.

An area in my backyard that could use some love.

I wanted to plant my "experimental garden" in containers just in case we moved. However, I don't see us moving anytime soon and this empty area in my backyard could use some plants. I'm just not sure what to plant there. It would have to be a plant that requires part sun and part shade. Any ideas?

Transplanting Wishes,
Monica ;0)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Singing Sprouts

The sprouts have all come in. However, I have two varities that decided to not pleasure me with their presence. The Lettuce and the Spearmint. I'm more bummed about the Spearmint because I was looking forward to their scent. Oh well, I'm going to have to research why they didn't come in. My Turnips, Broccoli and Cauliflower are doing fine, but they are toppling over. So, I'm starting to understand why it might be better to just plant them outside. Some books say you can transplant them, some say they don't do very well when you do. Well just have to wait and see.

I checked a book out from the library (well, several books) and it's called Grow Organic Gardening. I'm enjoying the vivid photos and easy to read information. What's especially nice is that I don't have to pay for them and I don't have to store them in my house. lol Space is pretty limited here so I'm trying to keep the stuff to a minimum.

As I plan out my garden ... it's all in my head. I'm finding myself wanting to draw a picture of it and get it on paper, but then I would love to use a software program that can help me be more calculating about it. I can be creative no matter what. ;)

As I prepare and wait for transplanting, I'm decided on methods I'd like to try before doing so. When I was reading the organic gardening book, I was reminded of things I need to keep in mind when planning and preparing my garden...

  • Manage the whole yard organically - edible crops, ornamentals, lawns, and paths.
  • Make the garden wildlife-friendly, encouraging birds, insects, and small animals to control pests.
  • Learn to distinguish pests from their predators.
  • Play to your garden's strengths, capitalizing on its particular characteristics.
  • Make soil care a priority.
  • Make compost and leaf mold to feed the soil.
  • Reuse and recycle, to cut down on the use of finite resources and reduce pressure on landfills.
  • Use organically grown seeds where possible.
  • Consider the environmental implications when choosing materials for hard landscaping, soil improving, and so forth.
  • Collect rainwater, and reduce the need for watering by improving soil and growing appropriate plants.
  • Make local sources your first choice.
  • Use traditional methods where appropriate.
  • Make use of the latest scientific findings where organically acceptable.
  • Stop using artifical fertilizers.
  • Give up smoke-producing bonfires.
  • Control weeds without the use of herbicides.
  • Avoid the use of pesticides and preservative-treated wood.
  • Say no to genetically modified cultivars.
  • Recognize the value of genetic diversity and preservation of threatened cultivars.
Okay, the last two are foreign to me. If you understood them ... kudos!

Organic Wishes,
Monica :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

100% Chance of Sprouts!

I can't believe all of my sprouts are almost in. The last two holding out is the lettuce and spearmint. I'm hopefull they will sprout soon...hopefully. lol

In the meanwhile, my husband bought me a organic gardening book. I've been engrossed looking at all of the pictures. Everything is broken down in simple terms and to the point. I've become enlightened on gardening ideas, techniques and planning I knew nothing about. I'm starting to feel more confident. I just might be able to pull this thing off.

My mother had some friendly advice, don't put the jalapeno/hot pepper plants next to the tomatoes...the tomatoes can become spicy because of the pollinating bees. Can anyone relate? In any case, I'll be separating the hot plants from the tomatoes. lol

I took a few shots of my seedling garden ...

Time to start transplanting, it came sooner than I thought it would.

Looking refreshed after an evening spritz.

I bought some soil from Lowe's a couple of days ago and I was dissapointed. It was an all natural soil, but it did not advertise it was organic. Since my goal is to have an organic garden, it's important I get the right soil. However, for the price, my husband was happy with the amount we recieved. (3 cu. ft.) And, like I mentioned before, at this stage it's all experimental. Now is the time to play around with different soils and techniques. The soil wasn't like the Miracle Grow soil with time release abilities. Although, I did notice that Miracle Grow makes an organic soil. It has a time relase ability too ... is it really organic if it does? Curious.

Sprouted Wishes,
Monica ;0)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Sprouts Keep Coming!

It's so fun to wake up each day to find there have been changes and growth! Today, I have 3 new varities that have sprung up. Lavender, Endless Summer Tomatoes and Cauliflower. The Turnips have reached a height I didn't forsee. So, my husband took me to Lowes and we picked up a 3 cubic bag of all natural soil. I can't wait to start transplanting the sprouts into bigger pots. I'm not sure how I will go about transplanting the rapid growing sprouts like...turnips, broccoli, and cauliflower.

Here's the latest update on the sprouts.

A top shot of the turnip sprouts.

A photo of the towering turnip sprouts.

Top shot of the broccoli and Hybrid Tomato sprouts.

Long photo of the Broccoli and Hybrid Tomato sprouts.

My 17 mo. old touched the tip of the turnip sprout tonight and he just smiled. Then he tried pulling out a knife marker. lol

I'm starting to think there are some plants you just plant directly into the ground because of how rapidly they grow. By the time I transplant my sprouts into a larger pot I'm guessing there will be a ton of roots compared to others. Well see.

Happy Sprouting,
Monica ;0)

Friday, September 3, 2010

More Sprouts!

This morning, there were 3 more different sprouts! I now have Spinach, Zinnias and Hybrid Tomatoes! I cannot believe they sprouted so quickly. My plans are being pushed up and now I need to find something to plant my sprouts in soon. Since the backyard soil needed expensive treatment because of the grass and the animals using the backyard as their toilet, I've opted to plant into containers and buckets until I get my garden beds built.

Budget is an issue, and I'm glad it is. I want to build a beautiful garden from scratch spending only when necessary. I'm also happy about finding things I can recycle into use such as an old cat liter bucket I had sitting around. I needed a bucket to rinse my rags in outside without splashing the hose on me. The kitty liter bucket works perfect. I also have old storage bins I plan on planting in. The good thing about planting into these containers is that they are portable. I can play around with where certain plants will grow better by relocating them when necessary. I can then use that data when setting up my built garden beds.

I've been keeping the sprouts inside since the temperatures have heated up. There are sprouts that will do fine with the heat but I'm busy babying them for now. lol

Sprouting Wishes,
Monica ;0)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

2nd Season Line-up

Here are the herbs, flowers and veggies I have planted for the 2nd season line-up...

Broccoli (De Cicco) - Heirloom
Bell Pepper (Pot of Gold)
Bell Pepper (Big Dipper)
Tomato (Super Sweet 100 Hybrid)
Pepper (Hot Mix)
Tomato (Endless Summer)
Cauliflower (Green)
Lettuce (Salad Bowl)
Turnip (Purple Top White Globe) - Heirloom

The only thing I'm bummed about is that these seeds were not labeled organic. Since I want an all organic garden this presents a small problem. I say small problem because since this is my first I'm really just doing this as an experiment. I wanted to watch, learn and enjoy the hands on experience. I plan on odering my organic seeds from ... Seeds of Change. The key reasons I want to order from them are ...

  • They are 100% organic seeds for: vegetables, flowers, and herbs
  • They have over 1,200 varieties of: heirloom, native and hard-to-find seeds
  • and, they gurantee garden performance
More good news ... this afternoon I found 2 broccoli sprouts! Yeah!

Happy Sprouting,
Monica ;0)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Turnip Sprouts!

Today is a good day! After only 2 days I have turnip sprouts. This evening when I brought in the seedlings I spotted 3 sprouts. I was so excited I ran and told my husband and he got excited too. Then, I said I have to get a picture! This was taken late tonight. lol

Here you can see 2 of the tiny green sprouts ...

This photo shows 3 of the tiny green sprouts ...

I'm hoping the 4th sprout comes in tomorrow. Tonight I'll be dreaming of turnips for lunch! lol

Turnip Wishes,
Monica ;0)