Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I've read that you can plant turnips directly into the ground and I've read you can start them in pods and transplant them. Reading all of these different gardening books has confused me a bit more in some areas. Regardless, I finally transplanted the turnips. They were toppling over. I'm afraid I waited too long and that I'm going to lose them. I even accidentally killed a broccoli plant today. I'm not sure how I did it but I basically snapped it's neck. lol, poor thing.

I took some photos of my progress. My only dissapointment is that I didn't transplant them sooner. However, I'm not entirely sure that would of been the best thing to do either. I'm just going to have to see what happens from this point on.

Transplanted turnips.

Next to be transplanted are the brocolli sprouts.

An area in my backyard that could use some love.

I wanted to plant my "experimental garden" in containers just in case we moved. However, I don't see us moving anytime soon and this empty area in my backyard could use some plants. I'm just not sure what to plant there. It would have to be a plant that requires part sun and part shade. Any ideas?

Transplanting Wishes,
Monica ;0)

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